The Future is NOW: Security SaaS trends in 2024

In recent years, SaaS has become essential for corporate IT, serving as the foundation for service businesses like medical practices, law firms, and financial services firms. Non-service businesses, such as manufacturers and retailers, also heavily rely on cloud-based software. These applications store various types of data, ranging from general corporate information to highly sensitive intellectual property, customer records, and employee data. As a result, threat actors are actively attempting to breach these apps to gain access to the data.

The adoption of SaaS apps has revolutionized software procurement and usage within organizations. Business units can now independently select and implement the SaaS tools that best meet their needs, which is beneficial for overcoming delays in software acquisition. However, this shift also requires organizations to reconsider how they secure their data.

Security teams are now tasked with advising business units on securing SaaS applications, despite having limited access and visibility. Additionally, each SaaS application has unique security settings and uses different terminology, making it challenging for security teams to create a standardized guidance document. Consequently, security teams must find new ways to collaborate with business units and utilize tools that provide visibility and guidance for each application’s security settings. This will enable both the security teams and the business units to understand the risks and consequences associated with their configuration choices.

ZEPSEC is helping connect security teams with business units to sync concern and awareness of cyber risk as an effort across the board, not just the IT dept.

Jack (Online)

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